While attending the meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association on 28/06/1437 AH, I found that all the teachers were attending and I we all performed the Maghrib prayer together. The teachers were really organized and welcoming. They answered all parents’ inquiries about their children.
I really thank all Dar Al Uloom Schools staff for their efforts. In fact, I cannot say enough to express my appreciation of all the positive aspects I noticed during that meeting – may Allah guide us all to the right path and protect our country, our people, our leaders and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

Major General Yahia Mohammad
Director General of Planning, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs
Praise be to Allah and may the blessings and Allah blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah, the first teacher of humanity, who brought them forth from darkness to the light. Teaching is a noble profession and those who dedicate their lives to our young people and their futures in Dar Al Uloom schools (whether in the Secondary, intermediate, or primary stages – whether international track or national track) should be given their due appreciation and gratitude for their fruitful efforts.
Dar Al Uloom schools’ remarkable pursuit of creativity and innovation should receive big share of the credit for constant development of the educational process. Such an effort has an obvious reflection on our students who we consider them to be the hope of the future and this country as well. Since established, Dar Al Uloom schools continue to develop their means and methods and constantly rise to the top. So, Good for us to be part of this distinguished educational institution and may Allah bless them and use them to benefit this Ummah.

Dr. Abdulaziz Othman Al-Falih
Member of Human Rights Committee
All praise is due to Allah, and May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon our master, Prophet Muhammad, then: I am very pleased on such a delightful day to honor a group of our distinguished students for their excellence and remarkable educational achievement. I also extend thanks and appreciation to the parents for caring for their children and thanks to our Schools’ leadership and teachers for their efforts in educating our dear students and raising them to be strong citizens who are capable of serving our beloved country, which we are all proud to serve.

Mr. Emad Mohammad Al-Hudhayl
Preschool Stage Principal
On this occasion, dear to my heart and the hearts of all parents, I extend my thanks to the management of Dar Al Uloom Schools, especially Secondary Stage Principal and teaching staff, for the efforts and the attention they gave to my son, Abdul-Majeed Al-Assaf, during the years he spent here and through the different grades until he reached this level of excellence, Praise be to Allah.

Mansour Abdullah Al-Assaf